How Can I Take Action?
Digital Provenance:
Digital Provenance is a record of creation. The origin, history, and ownership of a particular piece of content, such as your voice recording, video, or image.
How to Support the NO FAKES and COPIED Acts

Simple Call Script:

"Hi, I'm [NAME] from [CITY, STATE]. I'm calling to ask the [Senator/Representative] to support the NO FAKES Act and COPIED Act to protect Americans from digital identity theft and AI deepfakes. These bipartisan bills will help protect everyone's right to control their own digital identity."

  1. Call Congress:
    • Dial the U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
    • Ask to be connected to your Senator's or Representative's office
    • Use the script above - it takes less than 2 minutes!
  2. Email Your Representatives

Track Progress

NO FAKES Act (Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act)

  • Protects your voice and likeness from unauthorized AI use
  • Requires consent for digital replicas
  • Creates clear legal remedies

COPIED Act (Content Origin Protection and Integrity from Edited and Deepfaked Media Act)

  • Protects your voice and likeness from unauthorized AI use
  • Requires consent for digital replicas
  • Creates clear legal remedies

Spread the Word

    • Check our our new Blue Sky page!
    • Share on social media with #NOFAKESAct #COPIEDAct
    • Follow @SAGAFTRA news for updates
    • Join our digital rights coalition